- No Companies File for Driverless Permit Yet (SFExaminer)
- Cable Car is too Expensive (SFChron)
- Woman Struck by Muni Bus (SFExaminer)
- BART's San Jose Subway Decision (EastBayTimes)
- SF Population Continues to Grow (Curbed)
- Most Governor Candidates Against Housing Bill (EastBayTimes)
- Office Towers at West Oakland BART (Hoodline)
- D10 Urbanists Debate (Hoodline)
- Another E-scooter Pop Up (SFBay)
- Unclear if Police will Cite Uber Driver who Drove Down Stairs (SFExaminer, Hoodline)
- Negligent Driver Sentenced to Six Years (Santa Cruz Sentinel)
- Commentary: Will Regional Measure 3 Funds Get Diverted? (SFChron)
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