- Transit Adjacent, Walk-up COVID Testing Key to Fighting Pandemic (SFChron)
- UCSF Sets up COVID Testing by Fruitvale BART (EastBayTimes)
- Dumbarton Project Still On (DailyJournal)
- Dangerous Heat Wave Coming (SFChron)
- Pedestrian Killed by Hit and run Driver in San Jose (CBSLocal)
- The History of Deadly Sideshows (SFGate)
- Bay Area is Not a Good Place to Drive (CBSLocal)
- Berkeley Campus Perimeter a 'Ghost Town' (CBSLocal)
- Santa Clara County Slows Reopening (CBSLocal)
- How Golden Gate Park Ended up in the Outside Lands (SFChron)
- Commentary: Will Public Transportation Come Back? (WashPost)
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Streetsblog will be off Monday, Sept. 7, returning Tuesday, Sept. 8