Here is a list of events this week.
- Monday/tonight! Climate Ride Info Session. The Green Fondo is a weekend bike fest through northern California. This meeting is for people interested in the event and the work of advocacy groups such as the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition. Monday/tonight, January 27, 6-7 p.m. Register for Zoom link.
- Monday/tonight! San Francisco Bicycle Advisory Committee. The BAC works to make bicycling safer and more accessible to and usable by all. Monday/tonight, January 27, 6:30-8 p.m. Rm. 416, San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, S.F.
- Tuesday City of Berkeley Bicycle Plan. Come participate in an update to the Berkeley bike plan. Tuesday, January 28, 2-6 p.m. South Berkeley Farmer’s Market, 63rd Street and Adeline Street, Berkeley. (Also on Sunday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Ashby Flea Market, 1937 Ashby Ave., Berkeley)
- Wednesday The Bike Fix Repair Clinic. Does your bike have a flat tire? Does something feel wrong with your bike? Bring it in and the Oakland Library Bike Fix team will help fix it. They do minor repairs and provide tools and some supplies. Wednesday, January 29, 2:30-5 p.m. Oakland MLK Branch Library, 6833 International Boulevard, Oakland. (Also on Friday, 2:30-5 p.m. 81st Ave Branch Library, 1021 81st Avenue, Oakland).
- Wednesday Reimagining BART Stations. The cities of El Cerrito and Berkeley, in partnership with BART, are planning to transform their station surface parking lots into vibrant, high-density, transit-oriented developments. Join SPUR for a discussion. Wednesday, January 29, 5:30 p.m.-6:45 p.m. SPUR Urban Center, 654 Mission Street, S.F.
- Friday Muni Funding Working Group. The Mayor’s Office, Board of Supervisors, Controller, SFMTA leadership, community partners, and members of the public will gather public input, identify solutions, and provide recommendations to address the near-term and medium-term funding gap for San Francisco transit. Friday, January 31, 9 a.m. SFCTA Hearing Room, 1455 Market Street, S.F.
Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.