Roger Rudick
Eyes on the Street: Horton Street Awesomeness
Emeryville's Horton Street sidewalk-level bike lane taking shape/almost completed. May we have some more please?
SFMTA to Replace Valencia Center-Running Bike Lane with Curbside Protected
More curbside protected bike lane coming to Valencia early next year. Plus Chair to step down, join agency staff
Reasons for Hope at this Year’s World Day of Remembrance
With no tangible improvements in the Vision Zero stats, many advocates express hope that a new mayoral administration and board of supervisors could finally start making streets safer
This Week: SFMTA Board, Sports and Urban Development, Muni Funding
Four Bay Area Rides to Celebrate Advocacy
Train, bike, walk, roll... this weekend Bay Area advocates have several opportunities to experience their successes
Alameda Expands Water Shuttle Schedule
The little yellow boat carried 34,000 passengers in its first three months of service, so more runs were added.
Advocates Making Inroads in East Bay Cities
Last week we talking about some key elections that were actually positive for the livable-streets movement. Here are a few more scattered around the East Bay
Safe-Streets Politicians Gain in the Bay Area
Against the national news of suck, here's a bit more good news around the Bay Area
Local Results Contrast Chilling National Election
It's hard trying to find a proverbial silver lining in Tuesday's dark clouds, but here's what we've got
And Here We Go… Election Day Is Finally Upon Us
If you haven't done so already, get that ballot filled out and into the box