Muni may finally launch "double berthing" in its Metro stations in two to four weeks, "barring anything we can't think of," according to Muni Operations Director John Haley.

Muni riders were first promised simultaneous loading of two trains in underground stations in October 2013. More recently, the launch was scheduled for December, then delayed again.
Muni demonstrated a live test on December 13 to officials at the CA Public Utilities Commission, who were expected to sign off on a launch scheduled a week later. But CPUC officials then said they also need to sign off on a training plan to ensure that operators know how to use the new system, Haley said.
"The test worked fine, and they said, 'OK, but we want to see the training plan before you actually activate it,'" said Haley. When asked whether the SFMTA anticipated the CPUC's request for a training plan, he said, "I guess not."
CPUC's press office hasn't responded to a request for comment on the project's status.
Once the CPUC gives Muni the green light, Haley said, "We're really ready to go."