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Roger Rudick

Weekend Roundup: Caltrain Electrification Update, Speed Cameras

...and help protect the car free space on Shelly Drive

September 22, 2023

Motorist Kills Pedestrian on Valencia

While distracted/inattentive driving was a primary factor, the non-intuitive and dangerous center-running design almost certainly contributed

September 21, 2023

Call to Action: Save a Vital Link in Marin’s Bike Network

Hearing tonight. Just south of the new bridge over Corte Madera Creek there's a short and vital but super sketchy gap on the route to Wornum Drive. Now a Larkspur City Council person wants to kill a project to close this gap.

September 20, 2023

Presidio Betrays Promise to Make Arguello Safe

Presidio makes inadequate improvements to Arguello and promises more, but apparently protected bike lanes are no longer on the table

September 15, 2023

Watered Down Safety Project on Franklin Yields Lackluster Results

Until SFMTA commits to Vision Zero for real, instead of continually compromising, people will keep dying

September 13, 2023

Tenderloin School-Street Project Blocked by Parking

Officials talk about how important it is to provide open space for the kids of the Tenderloin. But then they block projects that might touch the political third rail of removing parking

September 12, 2023

BART Launches New Schedule

The longest headway will now drop from 30 minutes to 20 on any line at any time. Advocates say it's a good first step towards adapting to changed travel patterns in a post-COVID world

September 11, 2023